"Make your idea and invention a reality by protecting it correctly in an agile, safe and effective way without requiring less dedication or professionalism."
Industrial design

What is an industrial design?
What can be protected with an industrial design?
A Design protects the aesthetic appearance of a product, including its defining characteristics such as lines, contour, shape, colors, texture or materials. A request can include up to 50 related designs.
For each Layout, up to seven different views can be provided, including a perspective of the product along with its main elevation, back elevation, top floor, bottom floor, left side view, and right side view.
Protected products must be classified according to the Locarno Classification, which
establishes 32 different classes of products. Designs can only be protected in a single class related to the product in question.
Distinguishing Mediation from Other Conflict Resolution Methods
Mediation differs from other alternative systems, such as negotiation, conciliation and arbitration, by its emphasis on neutrality. Mediation does not replace the central role of the parties in creating the agreement.
Requirements to Register an Industrial Design
To register a Design in Spain, two fundamental requirements must be met:
1. New: The Design must be new, meaning it has not been made public
no other identical Design before the date of submission of the application for
record. Designs that only differ in details will be considered identical.
2. Singular Character: The Design must have a singular character, which means that the
impression it produces on an informed user must differ from the general impression
that has produced another Design(s) made accessible to the public before the date of
submission of the application for registration or, if priority is claimed, before the date
of priority.
Requirements to Register an Industrial Design
Industrial designs allow you to protect the external appearance of your products (packaging, clothing, shoes, jewelry, table games, bags or whatever their industrial manufacturing scope may be).
Industrial designs have a duration of 5 years from the date of presentation,
renewable five-yearly up to 25 years. Once registration is done, we get full protection of the design, being able to prevent any act of exploitation of the design by outsiders, both in manufacturing and marketing, import, exploitation, use or storage thereof.